Hi, I’m glad that you are here.
I’m Aida, and I have been working for more than 5 years in Ayurveda detox programs (panchakarma), providing ayurvedic treatments as well as other forms of therapy (Chinese Medicine, Flower Essence Therapy).
My background is in Creativity. The Creative Experience of Life has been a guiding light for me in my journey. For every journey is unique and the healing process is an organic unfolding very much just like Nature works.
Edward Bach, back in the beginning of the XX century, already said that our health and happiness are very much linked to the restoration of our Essential Natures, to who we really are, to the purpose of our Souls. Thus, following that which makes us unique it’s not frivolous: it’s a generous act.
I have that friend who got sick whenever she stopped giving an outlet to her creativity. That friend who was unhappy if she was not pursuing her dreams. That friend that got all those strange symptoms whenever she wouldn’t listen to her inner voice. Maybe you also have friends like that. Maybe you relate somehow with these experiences. Maybe you too hear the Call to Dive into your True Self. If so, welcome.
Harmony within your Heart: reestablishing the healthy ecology of the heart
Support & Nourishment
Do you wish to be accompanied along your Creative Journey to the exuberance of your Health and Happinness? Know that Support is available.
Structure & Flow
We are entering an organic process that will unfold at its own timing. Being Present with you, listening to your Being and addressing what’s for You Here & Now are the guidelines that provide for orientation along this Journey.
Presence & Tenderness
We tend to be hard with ourselves, and to strive for results and fast fixes.
However, let’s find that sweet spot where magic happens without so much strain.
In my personal experience I have struggled with overstriving and overdoing. Having a sun and a venus in aries, there are lessons around courage for me to work through in this life. I used to navigate this quality of the heart from its polarized state, struggling between recklessness and impatience, and fear. This sometimes brought me to act in ways that were out of alignment and unreceptive to the rhythms of creativity. Instead of flowing with presence, I used to urge and force myself towards action. Tenderness has been a cure for this state of being that had become so ingrained in me.
Creativity & Co-creation
Let your Nature lead the way! Get inspired, have fun!
My first real dive into a holistic view of what Being a Human means came from Qi Gong. I trained in a Yin-oriented kind of Qi gong, which aimed for a balance between technique and feeling and searched for a plenitude without striving.
My interest in ancestral knowledge brought me to study Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda Therapeutic techniques and to complete these studies by placing a focus on Women’s Health and a Sensitive orientation towards these disciplines.
Nature and plants have been and are a soothing source of comfort during difficult times, and bringers of much joy as well. I am amazed at everything I continue to learn from plants, and I am touched by their generosity and all they have to offer to us. My way of bringing to you my experiences with plants and Medicine from Nature comes mostly from my studies in Flower Essence Therapy, which I combine with creative therapeutic expression.